With the 2019-20 Premier League season right around the corner, we thought we’d explore some key metrics across the member clubs around social, attendance, and revenue.
Besides just comparing club to club we also looked at the league level and how the Premier League compares to the top five major leagues across North America.
Since we love to aggregate data to generate interactive insights here at KORE, we put together the Tableau Public dashboard below so you can pick from any of the metrics we were able to find through our research and see how the clubs and league compare vs. each other and against the average.
Here are a few interesting items of note that we found as we worked on this:
- The Premier League dominates when it comes to league following on Facebook, but the NBA and NFL are quite comparable or even ahead when it comes to Instagram and Twitter.
- Among clubs, Manchester United is in a tier of their own with their 73M+ Facebook followers, while Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, and Manchester City make up a 2nd tier hovering between 35M and 45M.
- The NFL is the attendance king based on their stadium sizes and limited number of games, while the Premier League leads all other US leagues on average attendance per game/match.
- The average price for Premier League tickets is on the lower end of the spectrum, comparable to MLB and MLS, but when you look at the clubs, Arsenal and Tottenham are the most expensive ticket any way you look at it.
- Commercial revenue splits into two tiers across Premier League clubs, with six clubs generating over £100M (two of which are over £200M) and the remaining 10 generating well under £50M.
- Those same six clubs are also lead the league on matchday revenue, but there is much more variance across all clubs.
- MLB has been in the news for attendance challenges, but at the league level comes in 2nd only to the NFL when it comes to revenue generation.
- The NFL gets a lot of publicity for franchise values, and while they may have more teams valued over $1B than other leagues, the top teams in the NBA, MLB, and the Premier League are all close to or over $4B in value.
- Finally, even in a season where they won the Champions League, Liverpool provided some of the most affordable single match tickets, more than 50% less than Wolverhampton and West Ham.
Jump into the data below and you may find some of your own interesting takeaways!
References for all public data used can be found on the “References” tab in the embedded Tableau workbook.

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